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Jill Barad apparently felt that as CEO she could make her biggest mark on Mattel by consummating ashy acquisitions as the iconic toymaker neared the new millennium Tyco Toys and its Matchbox cars line was the rst, which she asserted gave Mattel $500 million in the wheels business along with Hot Wheels, which was still going strong She expected that genre of boys toys to eventually reach $1 billion Her expectations, it seemed, were always high She next forged a merger in 1998 with the Pleasant Company this was during the period when Christine Casey was making noise about the goings-on at Mattel The Pleasant Company, a mail-order business, manufactured the American Girl line of dolls and accessories, which down the road would become quite successful for Mattel.
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At the time of the purchase, though, toy industry professionals felt Mattel s buy price was too high $700 million for a company that was bringing in only a reported $300 million in annual sales However, by making the merger, Barad had shrewdly brought into Mattel s portfolio a Barbie competitor at a time when the doll was on the decline and other revenues were sinking For the second time since she became CEO, Barad was being taken to task for paying too much for an acquisition It would only get worse Barad s extravagance was part of her nature even on the most basic levels, such as having meals on the company tab She always did it large Diana Troup, then executive vice president of product design, says Barad loved fashion and she loved fun and she loved food.
Smolin: So you did this more or less as a challenge and to learn Did you use the Wise installer as a basis for that script then Matfield: I did, yeah Yeah, I started with the Wise A friend of mine had shown me the old version of Wise that was Wise 5 at the time; they re on version 10 now I thought it kind of looked like a cool area I was always kind of interested in how things were behind the scenes engineer, you know So you know that fit with my natural passion for taking things apart and putting them back together again, and seeing how things worked Smolin: So then once you had an Access runtime installation script that worked, what did you do with it Matfield: Well, there were two newsgroups where Access programmers discussed various issues.
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